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By Orly Avitzur, MD, MBA, FAAN

Creating a Community to Keep Our Brains Healthy

I would like the next 10 years of Neurology Now to reflect a collaboration with you, our readers, and I invite you to join me.

This issue of Neurology Now marks our 10-year anniversary, and we are celebrating it by featuring stories from loyal readers who have subscribed from the start—people like Mary Lehnert, who hands out Neurology Now subscription cards to people she meets with neurologic conditions; Gail Cortese, who reads every issue of our publication and then passes them on to her local hospital; and Penny Dewey, who distributes her print copies to her community's senior center, now that she subscribes to our iPad version. I was very moved as I read through those letters and others we will be featuring in our decennial year, and I think you will be, too.

Orly Avitzur
Dr. Avitzur

We received many more letters than we can include in print, and we are grateful to all of you who took the time to tell us your touching stories. We heard from readers of all ages, some of whom began subscribing when one family member was diagnosed with one neurologic condition, only to have another become affected by a totally different brain disease. Sadly, the odds are that we all know someone with Alzheimer's disease, stroke, migraine, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, or another of the many conditions that can affect the nervous system.

Reading your feedback has strengthened our commitment to delivering accurate, expert-reviewed information about the whole spectrum of neurologic illnesses—and about how to keep your brain healthy. We are proud to be the only publication that does this, and we're grateful that we can tap into the expertise of world-renowned neurologists who are members of the American Academy of Neurology, as well as the elite subspecialty group that comprises our editorial advisory board.

Neurology Now is not simply a health publication. It's a community that relies on hearing your stories and learning from your experiences. That's why we feature "Pictures of You" and "Speak Up." It's why we love receiving your letters and emails and strive to fulfill your requests for stories on subjects that are vital to you. We take your letters and comments to heart and hope to receive many more over the next decade.

Because communication with you is so important, I've asked the entire editorial advisory board to join me on social media to help build the Neurology Now community. Please look for us there. Like us on Facebook, tweet us at @BrainandLifeMag, or me at @OrlyA, send us your emails, and visit our website.

And if you live near the Washington, DC, area, please join me, our editors, and dozens of neurologists at the American Academy of Neurology's annual Brain Health Fair on Saturday, April 18, 2015. The fair is free for patients, caregivers, and anyone interested in brain health, and is sure to be educational and fun. To learn more, visit the Brain Health Fair website.

Wishing you another decade of good health.

Orly Avitzur, MD, MBA, FAAN
